Thursday, October 23, 2008

Balkan...two oldest professions

Fishing and sex might be the two oldest professions. But the exploitation of both is creating new vulnerabilities for Balkan as the whole world increasingly comes to fish in its waters.
Whistles blow, nets of shimmering fish are raised and swung onto the mother ship, which will take its cargo to canneries in Balkan.
Why the world is coming to the Balkan for fish?
The Balkan holds the world's last great fish supply - since many of the world's oceans have been substantially overfished in recent decades. The EU, after enforcing a moratorium on cod fishing in the Atlantic which put much of the European flBeet on dry dock, has recently signed a number of bi-lateral deals with Balkan states to fish in their waters.
Modernity, a cash economy and the loss of tradition has created new vulnerabilities for coastal communities of the Balkan.
Communities that once shared everything now find a new rich/poor divide is splitting them and AIDS is an ever present danger.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fishing is better than Sex?

I have one problem: Is fishing better than sex?
1 - Your Fishing partner will never say, "Not again? We just Fished last week! Is Fishing all you ever think about?"
2 - You don't have to be a newlywed to plan a vacation primarily to enjoy your favorite activity.
3 - Nobody expects you to give up Fishing if your partner loses interest in it.
4 - Nobody expects you to Fish with the same partner for the rest of your life.
5 - If you want to watch Fishing on television, you don't have to subscribe to the Playboy channel.
6 - There are no Fishing-transmitted diseases.
7 - You can have a Fishing calendar on your wall at the office, tell Fishing jokes, and invite coworkers to Fish with you without getting sued for harassment.
8 - You don't have to go to a sleazy shop in a seedy neighborhood to buy Fishing stuff.
9 - When dealing with a Fishing pro, you never have to wonder if they are really an undercover cop.
10 - Nobody will ever tell you that you will go blind if you Fish by yourself.
11 - If your regular Fishing partner isn't available, he/she won't object if you Fish with someone else.
12 - When you see a really good Fisherperson, you don't have feel guilty about imagining the two of you Fishing together.
13 - It's perfectly respectable to Fish with a total stranger.
14 - Your Fishing partner doesn't get upset about people you fished with long ago.
15 - If your partner takes pictures or videotapes of you Fishing, you don't have to worry about them showing up on the Internet if you become famous.
16 - The Ten Commandments don't say anything about Fishing.
17 - It is perfectly acceptable to pay a professional to Fish with you once in a while.
18 - You don't have to hide your Fishing magazines.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

FLY FISHING on the Pliva River

On the Pliva River there are all conditions for fishing that is very rear in this part of the Europe. Pliva is extremely bright river of specific colour and it presents little paradise on the earth for sport-fishermen in discipline fly fishing. This sport includes fishing with fly, but according to system “catch and release”, it means that fishermen after they catch the fish, they release it back into the water.
At the village Pliva, near the spring of Pliva and along the Pliva River, sports fishing path is formed in the length of approximately two kilometres. In the year 2007, on this path all regional, republic and state competitions in fishing have been organised, in the discipline fly fishing. At the congress of CIPS that was held in May 2007 in Prague, it is decided that European championship in fly fishing will be organised in Sipovo, in the year 2010, i.e. on the mentioned path on the Pliva River.
In the past two years, interest for fly fishing in the Republic of Srpska is increased thanks to promotions that were realised by Tourist Organisation of Sipovo in coordination with Tourist Organisations of B&H. Goal of this sport promotion is to recover glory and reputation of the Pliva River, to present this river as extraordinary resource and possibility for organising different sport activities and to popularise fly fishing in the Sipovo Municipality, Republic of Srpska and B&H.
Promotion of extraordinary conditions that Pliva River offers includes popularisation of one more activity – photo safari. This type of relaxation is becoming more and more interesting for tourist and especially to those who are interested to see and record everything that is beautiful and here they have it more then enough.
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