Sunday, October 5, 2008

FLY FISHING on the Pliva River

On the Pliva River there are all conditions for fishing that is very rear in this part of the Europe. Pliva is extremely bright river of specific colour and it presents little paradise on the earth for sport-fishermen in discipline fly fishing. This sport includes fishing with fly, but according to system “catch and release”, it means that fishermen after they catch the fish, they release it back into the water.
At the village Pliva, near the spring of Pliva and along the Pliva River, sports fishing path is formed in the length of approximately two kilometres. In the year 2007, on this path all regional, republic and state competitions in fishing have been organised, in the discipline fly fishing. At the congress of CIPS that was held in May 2007 in Prague, it is decided that European championship in fly fishing will be organised in Sipovo, in the year 2010, i.e. on the mentioned path on the Pliva River.
In the past two years, interest for fly fishing in the Republic of Srpska is increased thanks to promotions that were realised by Tourist Organisation of Sipovo in coordination with Tourist Organisations of B&H. Goal of this sport promotion is to recover glory and reputation of the Pliva River, to present this river as extraordinary resource and possibility for organising different sport activities and to popularise fly fishing in the Sipovo Municipality, Republic of Srpska and B&H.
Promotion of extraordinary conditions that Pliva River offers includes popularisation of one more activity – photo safari. This type of relaxation is becoming more and more interesting for tourist and especially to those who are interested to see and record everything that is beautiful and here they have it more then enough.
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