Thursday, October 23, 2008

Balkan...two oldest professions

Fishing and sex might be the two oldest professions. But the exploitation of both is creating new vulnerabilities for Balkan as the whole world increasingly comes to fish in its waters.
Whistles blow, nets of shimmering fish are raised and swung onto the mother ship, which will take its cargo to canneries in Balkan.
Why the world is coming to the Balkan for fish?
The Balkan holds the world's last great fish supply - since many of the world's oceans have been substantially overfished in recent decades. The EU, after enforcing a moratorium on cod fishing in the Atlantic which put much of the European flBeet on dry dock, has recently signed a number of bi-lateral deals with Balkan states to fish in their waters.
Modernity, a cash economy and the loss of tradition has created new vulnerabilities for coastal communities of the Balkan.
Communities that once shared everything now find a new rich/poor divide is splitting them and AIDS is an ever present danger.
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